Friday, July 15, 2011


Love in the year 2000 Trailer from David Miller on Vimeo.

Rough trailer cut from the rushes a week after the conclusion of principal photography.

Starring Greta Wilson and Cherilynn Brooks, Love in the year 2000 is a futuristic love story about Lucky, a relationship representative who falls in love with a client. Produced by co-writer and director David Miller and director of photography Derick Avitt, Love in the year 2000 was shot on 355 with support from Panavision's New Filmmaker Grant and will premiere in festivals 2012.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Somewhere in the future, a relationship representative named Lucky saves prospective couples the time and drudgery of courtship by professionally standing in for one party and evaluating the level of likely interest on behalf of her client. She finds herself in an unusual predicament and a role for which she never rehearsed, when she is assigned to meet Lena Nigari, a young woman doing something unheard of — going on a date herself.

Charismatic Leader Films presents a futuristic love story starring Greta Wilson and Cherilynn Brooks.

Directed by Dave Miller and filmed in 35mm Panavision by Derick Avitt.

Love in the Year 2000 was filmed in 2011. Now we're editing, composing the score and raising the last of the money we need. We've raised more than $15,000 in grants and donations in support of this project, including a 4Culture grant to support project pre-production. The project was a finalist for the 2009 Independent Feature Project/Seattle Spotlight Award. And we received a $75,000 equipment grant from Panavision. We're 80% done - we just need around $15,000 to prep the film and transfer it to a release print for a 2013 festival release.

Click here for a preview!

Click here to learn how to make a tax-deductible donation!

Click here for information about "Beer in the year 2000"!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Make a Donation to L2k!

There are two ways to give!


If you would like to make a direct online donation to Charismatic Leader Films, use this button:

Or mail a check made out Charismatic Leader Films to:

David Miller
Charismatic Leader Films PMB 728
1122 East Pike Street
Seattle, WA 98122


If you would like to take advantage of our fiscal sponsorship from Northwest Film Forum to claim a tax-deductible contribution, please use the button below:

Yes, it looks the same as the top button, but they go to very different places. You can also make a check out to Northwest Film Forum/L2K and mail it to:

David Miller
Charismatic Leader Films PMB 728
1122 East Pike Street
Seattle, WA 98122

Northwest Film Forum charges a 5% administrative fee, which goes to support their programs as the Northwest's premiere film center.